Oyé oyé braves gens !!
Pour la première fois depuis la nuit des temps, la caravane de la Jenkins User Conference pose ses valises à Paris.
Elle aura lieu la veille de l’ouverture de DevoxxFR, le 17 Avril (de 8h00 à 19h30 pour les plus courageux) et se tiendra au même endroit, l’Hotel Marriott Rive Gauche (17 Boulevard Saint Jacques, 75014 Paris, France).
Continue reading En avril, la Jenkins User Conference pose ses valises à Paris →
Tomorrow I will attend the first Hackergarten at Paris.
This is an event where active open-source committers can met potential contributors and help them to submit a (first) contribution.
I’ll be here to help those who would like to contribute on JenkinsCI and Apache Maven.
To prepare this event I wanted to prepare a checkout of all sources and a local repository with all required dependencies to avoid to see contributors losing their time by downloading the earth with Maven or checking out Subversion (and to not be blocked if we had some network issues).
For Maven which is hosted on Subversion it is long but easy because we have a special SVN directory using svn:externals to checkout all trunks in one step : https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/trunks/
But for Jenkins with several thousands of plugins and thus git repositories it is less easy to clone all of them. Continue reading Clone all repositories from a github organization →
#java #devoxxfr #devops #oss #jenkinsci #maven #asf #eXo